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A Migrant God for a Migrant People

Migration has become a complex and multifaceted phenomenon in our world today. It encompasses various stages, from departure to arrival, and even the possibility of return. Pope Francis invited the Church to reflect on what it means to be "Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay." God recognizes the importance of choice for creatures imbued with a free will.

In biblical narratives, we see examples of forced migrations, such as the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt to escape King Herod's persecution. The decision to migrate should always be a free one, but sadly, many people today are forced to leave their homes due to conflicts, natural disasters, or the inability to live a dignified life. Pope Francis emphasizes the need to address these root causes and create conditions that allow individuals to live in peace and prosperity in their own countries.

As the director of Hispanic Ministry and an immigrant myself, I am drawn to examine this complicated issue through the lens of what Father Daniel Groody, director of the Center for Latino Spirituality and Culture at the University of Notre Dame, calls the theology of migration. This is a reflection on the "mystery of God in an age of migration." And what is the mystery of God? Well, we are image bearers, created by God in his image and after his likeness. We are pilgrims on earth, our final and true home being heaven. The migrant is both image bearer and gospel bearer-he is the story of a pilgrim people.

A migrant God invites us to see our brothers and sisters in flight not by labels (illegal, legal, refugee, asylum seeker) which are ultimately political, and judgement driven but by their human identity. Restoring in our own hearts and minds, as well as the hearts and minds of the migrant, a sense of unity and belonging. We are all in flight, migrants on our way home. Just as Christ is the bridge between us and the Father, so are we the bridges between the migrant and a safe place to live. Migrants believe they will find a better place here. Like the prodigal son, it is the belief in the safe haven of the Father's love that enables them to journey homeward (Hans Urs von Balthasar).

The gift of the Christian faith is also a demand for the Christian faithful. The history of salvation offers countless examples of God in flight with his people, accompanying them in exile and in the diaspora.  To God we are all migrants in via to our final home. He chooses to accompany us through his Son and the Holy Spirit. He is a migrant God for his migrant people.

Originally published in The Catholic Key



About Me


Leyden is a highly sought-after
motivational Catholic speaker with 15+years of combined experience as a ministry leader, trainer, and diocesan leader.

Leyden works with parish groups,
individuals, and organizations to
seeking to activate disciples, form leaders, and have intentional conversations which lead to Jesus.


She also serves as Director of Hispanic Ministry with the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.


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